For the past two months I've been taking and enjoying lots of family photos that will most likely end up on holiday cards. It has just hit me recently that Christmas is only a month away and I can't wait!!! I just had to share my excitement... and a photo of my tree before my toddler destroys it!
For the W. Family's sneak peek I posted a lot of their hysterical outtakes (click
here). But they took quite a few awesome normal photos too! They are a great family and it was seriously fun to photograph them. And C. made a confession that they hadn't taken a family photo since their daughter was 1--GASP!!!! I'm sure glad they changed their wicked ways! lol!

I love this gorgeous location!

Thanks W. Family!!
I've heard it said that families who plank together stay together!!!
Come back soon for more photos of this family of plankers.
I'm thankful for my clients and for all of you that "like" my Facebook page. Thanks for the support!
Happy Turkey Day!
I couldn't think of a better way to start of the week than to post some pics from the B. Family photosession. We tried out a new location and I LOVED it! The B. Family was a delight to photograph and you will see why in the photos below. This first one with the sun flare is my fav-especially with little K. half hiding behind her daddy's arm-so sweet!

Such a darling family

Could these twins get any cuter?

Blue eyed K. is such a sweetheart

Little E. makes me smile

Aren't they a gorgeous couple?

This one cracks me up. I love capturing fun family moments. I can't get enough of E.'s laughing face.

This really is one happy family

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."
~Helen Keller

Thank you B. Family for a wonderful photosession!
With every photosession there are a number of photos that are never used. Most of them are never used because someone is blinking, the lighting isn't correct or someone is pulling a face. But sometimes I can't help loving those funny face photos. For the W. Family sneak peek I wanted to share a few of their outtakes that may make it as their family favorites (since they are such an awesome family I know they will love these!)!

Family snuggle time

Anyone seen the movie Step Brothers?
This is what happens when Dad tries to strike a pose!

There are lots of other awesome pictures of this family so check back to see more!
Come rain or shine this family is always up for some fun. I think I could coin this sessions "Photoshoot-The Musical!" This cute family is full of singers who love to harmonize together and don't mind belting it out at any given moment. I'm not sure that words can express how fun this family is!

Here are the newlyweds- so cute!

Gorgeous girl.

S. is a stunner!

You would think by the way they acted that these two are newlyweds too! So neat to see such strong love.
And when it started to rain during our session what did this family do???
HAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!! Laughter is often the best medicine!

Thanks E. Family for singing and dancing in the rain with me!
I have to tell you how awesome these kids are. But if you know them you probably already know that! I love that you can tell how much they love each other.

In the spring we did a "sisters/girl cousins" session and the girls got some individual shots. Their mom wanted a few of just N.-- and seriously- isn't he handsome? I kept telling him that he reminded me of the guy who plays Jacob in the Twilight movies (of course I do have Twilight on the brain with the new movie coming out tomorrow!).
So cute.

Such a great smile N. has.

The three amigos.

Thanks W. Kids for a great session!
I tried out a new location for the B. Family photosession and fell in love. The lighting was perfect, the family was gorgeous and it didn't rain (hooray!!!). Here's one to tide you over (more will come soon)...
This is one of my favorite photos from the E. Family photosession. I don't know if you can fully understand the laughter and love that was shared during this session, but I think this photo gives you a glimpse of it. I can't wait to show you more so check back soon...
N. is such a stud. This image is going to have to tide you over for a bit until I get the rest of his session processed. But get excited-they are going to be awesome!!!
We narrowly escaped the rain on this day, but no one here had a case of the blues. The M. Family is full of fun and these cute little boys were bursting with energy.

Love this sweethearts photo <3
Doesn't this one put a smile on your face?

And this one too? You've gotta love little boys!

Such a great family

Sweet boys

On their journey together.

Thanks M. Family! And thanks Mother Nature for not raining on us!!!
This family is totally neat. They laughed the whole time and were so fun to work with. This first image is my favorite!

Sometimes you just have to let kids be kids and this images cracks me up!

S. is so gorgeous- her mama better start worrying about when she gets older! lol!

Little N. has such a sweet smile and is a pure delight.

I love this sweet picture of mother and daughter.

Thanks Z. Family for being awesome!
Some people jump for joy at the beginning of a photoshoot... but most for the end! (wink wink).
Here is a sneak peek of the M. family... More will follow soon so check back!
These three were so much fun to photograph. Check back soon for more...
This is the third year in a row that I have had the opportunity to photograph this neat family. They are such gorgeous people inside and out and it's been fun documenting their family. I hope you enjoy a few of my favorites from their session.

Isn't E. darling?

Love this one. You can see their personalities shining through.

Seriously-- aren't they the cutest family ever?!

She's a beauty! And getting so grown up.
When I think of this family I always envision them joking and laughing together. Here we captured one of those funny family moments.

Strike a pose!

Thanks R. Family!!