I wanted to thank all of you for your business and support in 2010. May you and yours be happy and safe this holiday season!

Here's to an amazing 2011!
A few weeks ago I found this darling kid's Santa hat and had to buy it. (I knew there would be a fun photoshoot in store for my little guy.) Then to our surprise, a Christmas present came early and our son received a red wagon from his grandparents. So of course I had to do a mini-photoshoot of my little Santa in his wagon. The only problem is that I can't decide which photo I like the best. Which one is your favorite?

Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas!
I wish everyone I meet was as excited about taking family photos as little T.! (Ok-- maybe he is just excited about the rock, but he's cute either way!)

I love this sweet family of boys, and K. had a distinct vision for this shot. It's fun to work with someone to bring their idea to life. K. realized that this may be the last family photo where their dad is the tallest. These boys are growing and growing so K. wanted to capture the current line up.
The K. Boys
Doesn't this little guy melt your heart?

Such a neat family.
Have I mentioned before how much I love repeat customers? Well, if not I DO!! This is the third year that I've taken this fun family's pictures and I was stoked to do it. Each year they get bigger and the pictures get better! I love documenting the growth of these cute kids.

Isn't little A. the cutest? She may be singing "All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth" pretty soon. She almost wiggled her front tooth out while were taking pictures! LOL!

Isn't he a stud?

Such a cute family. Seriously.
Ok-- I just have to post one more of A. I couldn't get enough of her. So sweet!

Can't wait to see what changes this next year brings for this family and their growing kidlets!
Sometimes I like to snap a few pics of the family while we are walking to our location. Everyone is always so at ease and you get some personality. I loved this all boys pic with the little one leading the pack! You will see more of this family shortly...
Maybe I've been watching too much Modern Family on TV (If you haven't seen it you should check it out
here-- it's seriously funny stuff!), but I thought it would be fun to try out a picture inside of a picture (and this cute family was willing to indulge me!) There will be more photos of this family to come but I wanted to post this one... or two!
Remember that
Soldier Photo I posted a little while back? Well, this is his cute sister and nephew:

And here is his supportive family
The men of the family
All together now
I thought this sibling pic looked best in black and white
One more of the whole family
Working with this family was a pure delight. Even though it was freezing outside there was never a shortage of smiles from this cute family of girls and their parents.

Aren't these girls adorable? Dad is going to be in trouble when they all start dating!
That's a wrap! Who wants some hot chocolate! ;)
Here's just a sneak peek of the W. Family. More to come soon...
Here's one of this brave soldier. I will have more of him and his family coming soon...
I wanted to take a moment to thank all of you who have scheduled shoots with me this year and also those of you who will one day schedule a photoshoot (hopefully sooner rather than later! wink wink)! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving surrounded by your family and friends.
To show you my gratitude I promise that I will never take a family photo of you that looks like this:

I just found this gem on my new favorite website:
"May your stuffing be tasty
May your turkey plump,
May your potatoes and gravy
have nary a lump.
May your yams be delicious
and your pies take the prize,
and may your Thanksgiving dinner
stay off your thighs!"
I started editing this family's photos and thought they looked fabulous in sepia tone, so I had to share. I really made them work at this shoot--they stood, sat, kneeled and smiled away!

I love this one of the kids. T finally got shy E to smile and J snuck in the "hand under the chin" pose he wanted to do the whole time!
and I tell you what-- they are amazing! I love to come up with reasons on why I need to order some. She wanted me to take a few pictures of them so she could use them on her website (which you should all check out and order some-- just click
here ).
Don't these cupcakes just make your mouth water?

Last year I had the privilege of shooting E. and her family. I love having the opportunity to shoot E. again and we wanted to go for a feel that was dramatically different than our shoot last year. We started out this photoshoot with the intent to copy the black clothing/black background concept I have done previously with some other clients (which E. and her mom loved). And of course E. looked fabulous!

I think she looks like a younger, and much prettier Leona Lewis.
But then E. added a splash of color and our photoshoot transformed into something amazing! The red was so vibrant against the black background I couldn't get enough.
Love this shot.
And you remember this one from the Sneak Peak. I had to post it again because she is just so stunning.
And then the green hat came on and there was something magical about the green hat: it brought out the many different faces of E. and I had to capture them all.

I can't tell you how much I love shoots with laugh, smiles, funny faces and sheer beauty.